A terrific investment
Suppose I told you I had an investment that paid cash every month right on the same day, but the checks were GUARANTEED to grow smaller each year? Of course, that is exactly what you want and you would JUMP at the chance to get in on it, right?
The Government as The Internet
If we have learned anything (doubtful?), it is that the Internet is not the source of valid, true and accurate information it is touted to be. And yet people still trust the ultimate con: What the government tells them.
We have now had 15 years of The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). So it is time to see just how “affordable” it has been. Since Medicare is automatically deducted from Social Security checks, tracking it is not too difficult. From the remainder of the SS check, subtract the premium for supplement insurance and you have a simple way to find out if your government is keeping your healthcare insurance affordable. Or not.
Just the facts, Ma’am
What follows are actual, REAL, numbers from a real US citizen. We happen to know someone who turned 65 and enrolled for Medicare (did he have a choice?) at the same time Obamacare was passed. In the first year the cost of his medical insurance was $243.55. Today that amount is $948.47, a compounded annual increase of 9.5% during years in which we were told there was no inflation.
Here is a picture of those years
The lower line above shows that my friend’s monthly check from his government, less his healthcare insurance cost, has dropped steadily at the rate 1.3% per year. This year (I am not making this up) he received his annual letter from the Social Security Administration announcing his cost of living increase and that his check each month this year will be lower than last year. Only government…
Such a deal I have for you
Suppose we look at the relative values. At the outset, my friend spent about 20% of his Social Security on medical insurance. Today that amount is more than 50%. Yes-siree, Bob, that government plan is one good deal!!
Just the beginning
The numbers above are just for insurance. Those numbers are WITHOUT any actual healthcare!!! My friend has been fortunate to enjoy good health, for an average, aging male, over the past 15 years. That is lucky. He still likes his doctor, what he really liked was that 15 years ago he could see him within a week or so of asking. Today, he cannot get an appointment any time soon. His doctor told him he saw 22 patients a day before Obamacare and sees 14 patients a day now. In three months my friend MAY be able to see a nurse. Of course, the actual use of medical facilities (if you can get pre-approved) involve all manner of co-pays and other out-of-pocket expenses that erode a SS check even more.
We should also look at what the government did with the money it got from all of us. Of course, first it built palatial offices for itself, paid big salaries, established a plush retirement and, of course, guaranteed itself excellent, low cost, healthcare for life that we cannot get. It then took a large share of what remained and gave medical care to a huge number of people who paid nothing into the system. Those people are now in line, often in front of my friend, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, without paying anything for the service. The rest of us get what is left over, if there is anything.
Counting our blessings
The best news is that other countries still educate their children and many grow up to be doctors in this country. My friend’s doctor is close to retirement. No doubt as my friend gets to know his next doctor - should he ever actually see him - he will ask him what it was like growing up…